Illinois teacher's 53-year career earns world record

  An esteemed educator from Illinois has been honored with a Guinness World Record for his remarkable 53-year career as a middle school social studies teacher.

Paul Durietz, aged 76 and residing in Gurnee, began his tenure as a social studies teacher at Woodland Middle School on September 1, 1970. His extraordinary dedication to teaching has now earned him the world record for the longest career as a social studies teacher.

Reflecting on his contributions, Durietz shared, "Taking on the role as a social studies curriculum coordinator since the inception of the position in 1986 has allowed me to lead over 20 social studies teachers. I provide resources, curriculum guidance, and serve as the liaison between administration and the department."

Durietz's love for history was ignited by his father's service in World War II. He recounted, "As a young boy, my father sparked my interest in history by sharing his involvement in the war, including his experiences entering German bunkers and discovering helmets, luger pistols, and uniforms."

Among his proudest moments, Durietz mentioned receiving a message from a former student whom he had inspired to become a social studies teacher.

His advice to others: "Keep working on what you love to do in life. It may lead to achieving a world record."


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