Up to four dozen cows invade Wisconsin neighborhood

 Residents in a Wisconsin neighborhood were treated to an unusual and surprising sight when a herd of around four dozen cows unexpectedly wandered through their cul-de-sac.

Brian McGarry, a resident of Port Washington, captured video footage as the cows strolled past homes in the Rolling Hills Estate subdivision while astonished neighbors looked on.

Neighbor Mick Maier expressed his astonishment, saying, "We were in our backyard when the cows came stampeding down the hill, and they were on the move because there's a pretty steep slope there. It was like the running of the bulls in Pamplona or something like that."

Another resident, Chuck Curran, recounted that he lost count after about 20 cows wandered through his garden. He mentioned the need to fill in the four-inch-deep footprints left behind in both his left and right flowerbeds.

During the unexpected bovine visit, Danielle Santos attempted to help guide the cows back to safety. She estimated that there were up to four dozen cows in total.

Santos described the herding experience, saying, "We would get the cows going in one direction, and suddenly, they'd change their minds and want to go the other way. A third person jumped in to help, and eventually, we managed to keep them in the front and guide them all the way down the street."

The cows had escaped from a farm located about half a mile away. According to the owner, the cattle managed to break free when someone unintentionally left a barn door open.


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