Bear climbs onto sailboat in Florida harbor

 In a surprising encounter, a black bear paid an unexpected visit to a Florida harbor and was caught on camera as it explored the deck of a sailboat.

Todd Dillman, the owner of TowBoat U.S. Naples-Marco Island, was in the process of pushing a barge back into the bay at the Naples Sailing and Yacht Club when he spotted a bear swimming in the water.

"We often encounter saltwater crocs, alligators, sharks, and the like. But I can honestly say I've never witnessed anything like this," Dillman shared with WBBH-TV. "Not in a million years. And chances are, I won't see it again."

What transpired next made the scene even more extraordinary.

"I circled back, and when I looked over, the bear was on the sailboat," Dillman recounted.

Dillman captured video footage of the bear leisurely exploring the catamaran's deck and posted it on his company's Facebook page.

"I sat here for about an hour, and he was just pacing back and forth on the boat," Dillman said. "He's just hanging out, walking back and forth across the bow."

Soon enough, the bear attracted a crowd of curious onlookers.

Word quickly spread that a bear had been spotted on the docks. Manny Blanco, the general manager of the yacht club, recalled his reaction: "I thought, 'No, that can't be true. There's no bear on the docks.' But I walked out to the docks and sure enough, there was a bear on a boat. I've seen alligators in the marina, dolphins, manatees, but I've never seen a bear."


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